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Saxony calls for special repatriation program for intensive offenders obliged to leave the country

Armin Schuster, Minister of the Interior of Saxony / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Armin Schuster, Minister of the Interior of Saxony / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Saxony's Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) is calling for a special repatriation program for offenders who are obliged to leave the country.

Saxony's Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) has called for a special repatriation program for foreign multiple and intensive offenders who are obliged to leave the country. "If we were to implement turbo deportations for prolific offenders throughout Germany, we would have completely different crime statistics next year," he said in an interview with the "Sächsische Zeitung" (Saturday). Saxony is "gladly available" to the federal government as a pilot state.

Deportations to Syria and Afghanistan must also be intensified, said Schuster. The federal government must open the way for this by setting up federal departure centers at the major airports and exerting greater diplomatic pressure on the countries of origin. If the Foreign Minister negotiates voluntary admission programs for Afghans, it must also be possible to negotiate the readmission of criminals. "That means voluntary admission only in exchange for the return of compatriots."

In addition, Germany must further limit the influx of refugees into the Federal Republic - "also with increased rejections at the border", Schuster told the newspaper. Otherwise, the only option would soon be to use emergency measures such as tents and gymnasiums. "Berlin must consider whether they want to overburden the municipalities and federal states so visibly." With regard to Islamist hate preachers, the CDU politician spoke out in favor of a clear name requirement for social network providers. In this way, investigators could be given access to personal data - if necessary with a court order.

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