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No majority for livestream in the Corona Committee

Even before it starts, there is a dispute about the committee. (Archive image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Even before it starts, there is a dispute about the committee. (Archive image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

A committee of inquiry in the state parliament is to investigate the criticism of the Saxon government during the coronavirus pandemic. There is already disagreement over formalities.

The hearings of witnesses in the Saxon state parliament's committee of inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic will not be livestreamed. A corresponding motion by the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) did not receive a majority. However, the hearing of evidence will remain public as before - and as stipulated by law. However, interested parties must attend the session directly.

Law does not provide for live streaming

Recordings of witness hearings are regulated not only by the Saxon Investigation Committee Act, but also by the Code of Criminal Procedure. Representatives of the BSW expressed their disappointment and accused the "established parties" of having "no real desire for transparency and proximity to citizens".

The committee of inquiry was set up at the instigation of the AfD. A large part of the BSW had agreed to the AfD motion to set up the committee. The committee consists of 18 members, with the CDU representing seven MPs, the AfD six and the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) two. The SPD, Greens and Left Party can each send one MP. The chairman is CDU politician Andreas Nowak.

Virologist Hendrik Streeck to testify

The AfD intends to call Bonn virologist Hendrik Streeck as its first witness. The renowned scientist works at Bonn University Hospital and was a member of the German government's expert council on the coronavirus pandemic.

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