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Chimpanzee offspring at Leipzig Zoo

This photo provided by Leipzig Zoo shows the female chimpanzee Changa with her young on a climbing apparatus. / Photo: -/Zoo Leipzig/dpa
This photo provided by Leipzig Zoo shows the female chimpanzee Changa with her young on a climbing apparatus. / Photo: -/Zoo Leipzig/dpa

The West African chimpanzees at Leipzig Zoo have given birth. The female Changa gave birth to a healthy young animal on Tuesday night, the zoo announced on Tuesday. The 13-year-old Changa is taking good care of her offspring, but the keepers have not yet been able to observe it drinking, said zoo director Jörg Junhold. In this respect, the friends are still somewhat cautious. Changa is raising a cub for the first time. Her first offspring died immediately after birth last year. The sex of the cub is not yet known.

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