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Hoyerswerda Zoo: Two special baby animals born in April

A spherical armadillo is held up. / Photo: Stefanie Jürß/Zoo, Culture and Education Hoyerswerda gGmbH /dpa
A spherical armadillo is held up. / Photo: Stefanie Jürß/Zoo, Culture and Education Hoyerswerda gGmbH /dpa

Special animal children at Hoyerswerda Zoo: a spherical armadillo and a tree spiny lizard.

One looks fluffy but is spiny, the other has a shell that is soft at first: two special baby animals were born at Hoyerswerda Zoo in April. Visitors can now observe a small spherical armadillo and a young so-called tree spiny lizard, as the zoo announced on Friday.

The female armadillo was born a week and a half ago. "The mini armadillo is already a fully-fledged armadillo, only in miniature", the zoo said. The armadillo baby can walk straight away and is already independent at three months old. The carapace only hardens after a few days. The tree porcupines, which look like porcupines, had offspring as early as mid-April. "Even if it looks like a little fluff ball with a bulbous nose, it is quite prickly, because it has had its spines from birth," the zoo said in the press release.

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