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Saxony extends special regime for Ukrainian cars

Vehicles drive on a highway / Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa/Symbolbild
Vehicles drive on a highway / Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa/Symbolbild

Saxony extends the exemption for vehicles of Ukrainian refugees until June 30. Cars with valid Ukrainian registration and sufficient liability insurance may participate in traffic until then, as Transport Minister Martin Dulig (SPD) announced in Dresden on Monday. "I am pleased that together we could find an uncomplicated solution for those affected, who are seeking protection with us, so that they can continue to be mobile in Germany without incurring large costs."

The background is that refugees from Ukraine in Germany are actually only allowed to use their cars without German registration for one year. Twelve months after the flight, this regulation expires. This currently affects many refugees who came to Germany in the first weeks after the start of the Russian war of aggression in February last year. Now they have until the end of June.

The conference of transport ministers has already called on the federal government to find a longer-term solution for a uniform approach.

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