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TU Dresden leads the field: A success story of university patent applications

"Spectral Symphony of the Elements" Chemistry New Building TU Dresden (Image: TUD Eckold)
"Spectral Symphony of the Elements" Chemistry New Building TU Dresden (Image: TUD Eckold)

The city of Dresden has established itself as a beacon of innovation and research in Germany. The Technical University of Dresden has successfully expanded its role in academic education and application-oriented research, leading the field of university patent applications. A recent evaluation of the IW patent database confirms this outstanding success.

Dresden Dominates the University Landscape

The Technical University of Dresden has established itself as the undisputed leader in the German university landscape. With more than 680 patent applications during the period under review, it leaves the competition far behind. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Technical University of Munich cannot keep up. It is noteworthy that six of the 15 strongest patent universities in Germany are located in the eastern part of the country - and Dresden leads this list.

The Role of Women in Dresden

Although the proportion of women at the Technical University of Dresden is below average, the university is committed to promoting the participation of women in science and research. It recognizes the valuable contribution that women make to innovation and is continuously working to involve more women in inventive activity.

Dresden as a Center for Innovation

As a leader in innovation, Dresden plays a key role in research and development. The high number of patent applications suggests that the city could play an important role in the so-called Deeptech areas. These highly innovative technology areas are promising for radical innovations. It is remarkable that Dresden could make a significant contribution in these areas.

The analysis confirms what many have always known: Dresden is a beacon of innovation and research in Germany. The commitment of the Technical University of Dresden to application-oriented research, its efforts to involve more women in science, and its potential role in the Deeptech areas have catapulted it to the top of German universities. And the end is not yet in sight. Dresden will continue to pioneer and pave the way for future innovations.

Source: IW

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