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Solarwatt ends production of battery storage systems

The Solarwatt logo is mounted above the main entrance to the Solarwatt GmbH factory / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild
The Solarwatt logo is mounted above the main entrance to the Solarwatt GmbH factory / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

After solar modules, Solarwatt is now also planning to discontinue the production of battery storage systems in Dresden at the end of the year. Production in Germany is currently no longer economically viable, a spokesperson explained on Sunday in response to a dpa inquiry. The machines would not be dismantled for the time being and could be started up again if required. The company will also continue to offer modules, battery storage systems and energy management systems. Solarwatt had already announced in April that it would cease production of solar modules in Dresden at the end of July. In future, they will only be manufactured in Asia.

According to the information provided, 190 people will be affected by the end of production of modules and storage systems here. The aim is to find employment in other areas of the company for some of the production employees. Overall, the workforce in Germany will be reduced from around 650 to 500 - this includes areas such as sales and product management. The "Sächsische Zeitung" had previously reported on the end of battery storage production.

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