Southern Brandenburg and Saxony want to become "Net Zero Valley"
Lusatia wants to score points as the first climate-neutral model region. The application has now been submitted.
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Lusatia wants to score points as the first climate-neutral model region. The application has now been submitted.
The expansion of wind energy in Saxony continues to falter, despite progress in obtaining permits. Experts are calling for more speed in expansion.
Hydrogen is seen as a key to the energy transition. In the future, it could be used to fuel trucks and supply energy to industry. Chemnitz is at the forefront of these developments.
Saxony's state government wants the federal government to create the legal conditions to deviate from the priority of underground cables and switch to overhead lines.
Priority for underground cables or more overhead lines again for grid expansion. Saxony is advocating a change of course in the discussion - particularly with regard to the costs for electricity customers.
After solar modules, Solarwatt is now also planning to discontinue the production of battery storage systems in Dresden at the end of the year. Production in Germany is currently no longer economically viable, a spokesperson explained on Sunday in response to a dpa inquiry. The machines would not be ..
Federal Employment Agency sees good opportunities for new jobs for employees in the solar industry in Saxony despite the crisis. Shortage of skilled workers.
The Federal Employment Agency in Saxony sees good opportunities for new jobs for employees in the solar industry, despite the current crisis. Companies are continuing to hire employees, and skilled workers in particular are in demand.
The energy company Leag commissioned a photovoltaic park in Boxberg (district of Görlitz) on Tuesday. The 23-hectare solar park is expected to generate up to 26,000 megawatt hours of electricity per year, the company announced. The solar plant is to become part of the Leag GigawattFactory, which is ..
The company Solarwatt will temporarily discontinue the production of solar modules in Dresden due to a lack of political measures.
The Dresden-based company Solarwatt is suspending production for the time being due to cut-throat competition in the solar industry. 190 employees affected.
According to Saxony's Environment Minister Wolfram Günther, Saxony is making good progress in the expansion of renewable energies. "The strong momentum in the expansion of renewable energies is continuing," said the Green politician on Friday. According to the report, 130 wind turbines with a total ..
The municipalities of Lusatia are receiving support from the EU for their plans to become the first Net-Zero Valley in Europe.
The highest wind turbine in Central Saxony with a height of 246.6 meters and an output of 5560 kilowatts is in operation. It supplies more than 4600 households with renewable energy.
Leipzig-based gas wholesaler VNG records exceptionally good result in financial year 2023 after heavy losses
From Monday, there will be a financial injection from the Free State for the purchase of photovoltaic and geothermal systems. Energy Minister Günther hopes that this will lead to an expansion of renewable energies.
Leag is planning a hydrogen and electricity storage center with the largest battery storage facility in Germany at the site of the former Boxberg I and II lignite-fired power plants.
Hot thermal water from the depths could provide warm rooms in the Vogtland region in the future. Further measurements are now being carried out to advance plans for a geothermal power plant.
The solar manufacturer Meyer Burger had announced the end of its plant in Freiberg. Now a huge solar power plant is set to save the day.
Last week, employees of the solar company Meyer Burger in Freiberg, Saxony, were given their notice. Is there a threat of redundancy in Bitterfeld-Wolfen too?
The Federal Ministry of Economics has expressed its disappointment at the closure of solar module manufacturer Meyer Burger's plant in Saxony. "The news from Freiberg is depressing," explained Parliamentary State Secretary Michael Kellner on Tuesday. He added that they were aware of the very serious ..
The solar manufacturer Meyer Burger has sealed the final end for its site in Freiberg, with more than 400 employees losing their jobs.
Stadtwerke Leipzig is investing around 40 million euros in a large-scale solar thermal plant in order to integrate renewable energies into the heat supply in future.
SPD, Greens and FDP wrestle over state support for domestic solar industry. FDP rejects aid, Greens push for adoption.
The solar manufacturer Meyer Burger is discontinuing module production at its Freiberg plant, affecting 500 employees.
In the view of Saxony's Energy Minister Wolfram Günther, the ongoing blockade of aid for the domestic solar industry at federal level must end. "China is launching massive dumping attacks against the European solar industry," said the Green politician on Sunday. The European solar industry manufactu ..
The municipalities of Lusatia want to score points with an initiative as the first climate-neutral model region. They have applied to the EU in Brussels for this. The alliance sees many advantages in this.
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer is urging support for the local solar industry in order to secure jobs and drive forward the energy transition.
The Brandenburg state government is committed to preserving the glass factory in Tschernitz in order to ensure its competitiveness on the solar market.
IG Metall is demanding more support for the solar industry from the federal government in order to prevent the closure of a plant in Saxony.
A citizens' initiative has failed in its attempt to prevent two energy projects south of Leipzig. The referendum on the "Green Power Park" and "Kleinzössen Energy Park" projects in Neukieritzsch was negative.
Telefónica (O2) has put an energy self-sufficient cell phone mast into operation in Kirtorf in the Vogelsberg district. The facility is self-powered with solar modules and a fuel cell and offers 4G and 5G reception.
In view of the problems facing the German solar industry, the Federal Ministry of Economics believes that the framework conditions for the sector in Germany and Europe must be improved. On Friday, the ministry referred to the EU's so-called Net Zero Industry Act, which is intended to strengthen the ..
Meyer Burger's announcement to close a plant in Saxony has alarmed Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs, Martin Dulig. An impending closure would hit the solar industry hard.
The Left Party has long been critical of the limit on new debt laid down in the German constitution. It sees the Meyer Burger solar plant in Saxony as a victim - and appeals to the Chancellor.
Saxony's Minister President advocates protection of the local economy and increases pressure on the federal government in view of the closure of a solar plant in Saxony.
Deputy Chairman of the CDU Andreas Jung accuses the German government of failing to act following Meyer Burger's announcement to close its solar module plant in Saxony.
The solar company Meyer Burger is preparing to close its plant in Freiberg in order to save costs and increase production in the USA.
The company "Opes Solar Mobility" is planning to produce special solar technology for vehicles such as trucks, motorhomes and buses in Zwenkau from the end of this year. This is expected to create around 120 jobs.
The solar company Meyer Burger is hoping for support from politicians to keep solar module production in Germany. "We have not yet made a decision," said CEO Gunter Erfurt at a press conference on Wednesday. However, there are good signals and the expectation is that the issue will be resolved. "But ..
Solar manufacturers in Germany have their backs to the wall due to overwhelming competition from China - and are threatening to stop production. Now the federal states are pressing the federal government for support.
According to Solarwatt CEO Detlef Neuhau, there is no improvement in sight for solar companies. "Like various market participants, we have been pointing out the economically threatening situation for the manufacturing solar industry in Germany and Europe to the public and in many direct talks with p ..
The abbreviation EE stands for renewable energies from wind, sun and water. Saxony wants to further accelerate the expansion of wind and solar power plants. There is still a lot of work to be done before we reach our goal.
In view of the impending departure of solar module production from Germany, Saxony-Anhalt's Minister President Reiner Haseloff (CDU) has called on the German government and the EU Commission to take action. "I am following the developments at Meyer Burger with great concern," Haseloff told the Germa ..
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has called for a rescue package for the solar industry from the federal government and the EU. The industry is important for the economic strength and sovereignty of Germany and Europe, said Kretschmer on Wednesday. The federal government and the EU must finally act. Otherwise, many jobs in the East would be at risk.
The German government is concerned about the possible closure of Meyer Burger's plant in Saxony and is holding talks with the company.
The German Solar Industry Association has called on the German government to support the establishment of large, competitive solar factories in Germany. "Otherwise, the train for a successful resettlement of the solar industry in Germany will have finally left the station," CEO Carsten Körnig told t ..
The solar manufacturer Meyer Burger says it is considering closing its plant in Freiberg, Saxony. The Swiss company presented a plan on Wednesday to reduce "unsustainable losses" in Europe and focus on the USA. "Part of the plan would unfortunately be the closure of the plant in Freiberg, Germany, a ..
The expansion of wind energy in Saxony has long been more hesitant than in other federal states. This was also the case in 2023.
The biofuel producer Verbio has revised its profit expectations for the current financial year downwards.
Saxony is providing around 15 million euros from the state budget until 2028 for the establishment of the National Hydrogen Center (HIC) in Chemnitz. The Free State is thus supporting the project in addition to the federal funding that has been promised. On behalf of the cabinet, an administrative a ..
Despite the planned cuts to solar subsidies in the German government's budget, solar company Meyer-Burger views the agreement positively. "We welcome the fact that the guidelines for the 2024 budget have now been established," Managing Director Gunter Erfurt told the German Press Agency. They are th ..
The transformation of the global energy economy away from fossil fuels to alternative and renewable energies must be the goal of a climate protection policy without self-deception. On the way there, many temptations of green washing lurk.
Verbio reports that earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization fell by more than half to 240 million euros in the past fiscal year.
Verbio recorded a profit decline of more than 50% in the last fiscal year, due to increased energy and raw material costs as well as lower sales prices.
The solar industry in Germany has already collapsed once. A similar dilemma is now to be avoided in view of massive Chinese exports of solar modules.