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Leipzig University Hospital calls for blood donations

Fewer people are donating blood due to the wave of colds. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa
Fewer people are donating blood due to the wave of colds. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

The blood bank at Leipzig University Hospital is running short of blood due to the wave of colds. The clinic is therefore asking for donations.

The blood bank at Leipzig University Hospital is urgently appealing for blood donations. The need for blood reserves is currently particularly high, but the number of donations has fallen sharply due to the wave of colds, according to a statement from the hospital. People with blood cancer are particularly hard hit by the shortage, as they are dependent on regular transfusions.

The hospital called on people in Leipzig to donate. Almost any healthy adult over the age of 18 weighing over 50 kilograms can donate. Donors who regularly take medication or have recently undergone minor surgery can often still donate, it said. A valid identity card or other identification document is required for registration.

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