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Target image for care: more prevention and investment required

The care sector is facing huge challenges. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
The care sector is facing huge challenges. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The care sector is facing huge challenges - especially in Bavaria, where the population is getting older and older. The "target image for care" offers possible solutions.

The "Zielbild Pflege Sachsen 2030" calls for investments totaling 500 million euros and a strengthening of advisory services. The paper was drawn up jointly by the state associations of care insurance funds, the League of Independent Welfare Associations and private service provider associations. The aim is to provide high-quality, well-connected and citizen-oriented care in Saxony, said Rainer Striebel, Chairman of the Board of AOK Plus.

According to the paper, new buildings and renovations of care facilities are to be funded with an investment program of 100 million euros per year until 2030. This could limit the personal contributions of those affected and reduce the financial burden.

Strengthening skills through counseling services

Of the more than 300,000 people in need of care in Saxony, 85 percent are cared for at home, a large proportion exclusively by family and friends, said Silke Heinke, head of the state representation of the Association of Substitute Health Insurance Funds (VDEK) Saxony. There must be better advice and information services for carers and those affected themselves in order to achieve better health and care competence. The environment must be designed in such a way that the need for care is postponed as far as possible.

The paper also provides for an expansion of digitalization in the care sector. The first step is to focus on documentation processes, which are currently still mainly done by hand. The use of telecare applications and assistance systems is also being considered, which could relieve the burden on care staff by performing simple tasks. Measures for securing and recruiting nursing staff are also proposed.

Nursing faces major challenges

The target vision was developed in view of the enormous challenges in nursing care. The difficult situation in terms of skilled workers is offset by an increasing number of people in need of care.

In addition, there is the financing of care insurance with ever higher contributions and simultaneously higher co-payments by those in need of care and a considerable disparity in care in urban and rural areas, as Striebel listed. Saxony is particularly affected due to the higher proportion of elderly people compared to other federal states, added David Eckardt, Chairman of the League of Independent Welfare Services in Saxony.

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