Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2025: Tips and information for visitors in Leipzig
The Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2025 will once again bring thousands of fans of the black scene to Leipzig. Find out everything you need to know about the start of the festival.
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The Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2025 will once again bring thousands of fans of the black scene to Leipzig. Find out everything you need to know about the start of the festival.
Care becomes a care case itself. The vast majority of those affected cannot afford to pay high personal contributions for accommodation in a care home. Resentment is growing.
Residents have to bear some of the costs of nursing home care themselves. In Saxony, the amounts are below the national average, but there was a significant increase.
After the failure of a joint government alliance with the CDU and SPD, the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance now wants to work constructively in opposition. First plans have been set.
The care sector is facing huge challenges - especially in Bavaria, where the population is getting older and older. The "target image for care" offers possible solutions.
There is a shortage of skilled workers in the care sector - even though demand continues to rise. The baby boomer effect will further exacerbate the problems.
More and more people in need of care in Saxony need help from the social welfare office. The Left Party is calling for fair financing of the costs.
Contributions to health and long-term care insurance could rise more sharply in 2025 than previously feared. One of the reasons for this is the poor financial situation of long-term care insurance.
The number of girls and boys in Saxony's daycare centers will decrease in the coming years. Many see the decline as an opportunity to improve the quality of care.
Many older people, the sick and those in need of care are supported by relatives in the same household. New data shows how many people this is and how much time they spend.
The people of Saxony are getting older and older, and the need for care is increasing. An already acute shortage of nursing staff will worsen in the future. The Minister of Social Affairs sees one solution in particular.
Saxony performs well in a nationwide comparison of all-day care for primary school children. But the offer should be further improved.
Care insurance is increasingly threatening to become a care case itself. Leading CDU politicians are pushing for a comprehensive reform and have now developed a concept.
Elderly care is becoming a case of care itself. Many nursing patients are dependent on the social welfare office because their pension is not sufficient to cover the necessary personal contribution.
Residents have to pay some of the costs of care in a home themselves. Although there have been higher surcharges for this since the beginning of the year, higher amounts are due.
Minister of Education Piwarz takes stock of all-day care in Saxony and emphasizes the good starting position for the future.
Dresden University Medicine is expanding the care of tumor patients away from urban centers with the Mission4Sax pilot project.
The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Saxony believes that outpatient medical care in the state is at risk as more and more practices are on the verge of closing. The reasons for this include excessive bureaucracy and immature digitalization measures.
Investments in training and image are not enough to improve the staffing situation in the care sector in Saxony. The DAK nursing report shows a growing gap.
There is also a shortage of skilled workers in the care sector, and demand is rising. Saxony is still able to fill the gaps left by retiring employees in clinics and care homes.
Pharmacies in Saxony struggle with hours of technical failures for e-prescriptions, demand action from Federal Minister of Health
The new emergency room at Emmaus Niesky Hospital improves medical care in the region and strengthens the Niesky Local Health Center.
Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs, Petra Köpping, emphasizes the importance of psychosocial care for traumatized refugees and praises the work of the psychosocial centers.
There is currently a gap in medical care in several regions of Saxony due to a shortage of doctors.
Saxony is increasingly focusing on measures to meet the demand for doctors and wants to increase the number of study places.
The payments that people in need of nursing care have to make themselves have continued to rise in Saxony despite higher relief allowances.
The left-wing parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament is focusing on a core issue of its 2024 election campaign with a campaign on safe healthcare.
The state parliament in Saxony is calling for further measures to combat the shortage of physicians and address the growing need for treatment in an aging society.