Four wolves provide new data on territories and movement
Four wolves in Saxony provide valuable data for science via transmitter collars. Their movements provide new insights into territorial behavior and family structures.
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Four wolves in Saxony provide valuable data for science via transmitter collars. Their movements provide new insights into territorial behavior and family structures.
The level of particulate matter in the air in Saxony was already high last week. So far, the situation has not improved - on the contrary.
The drought phase from 2018 to 2023 is over. But extreme dryness and drought can return at any time. How well prepared is Germany for this?
Air pollution with particulate matter is increasing in Saxony. For several days now, the limit values have been exceeded at several measuring stations, in some cases significantly. There are many reasons for this.
Following the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in a herd of buffalo in Brandenburg, the authorities in Saxony are on alert.
Climate protection, artificial intelligence and sustainability - Saxon schools cooperate with regional companies in a special field.
Chemnitz University of Technology receives millions for a new rail technology project. The aim: innovative solutions for rail transportation.
HTWK Leipzig scores with innovative research projects: The university received more than one million euros in funding from the German Research Foundation between 2020 and 2022.
In contrast to the nationwide trend, the number of wolf packs living in Saxony is decreasing slightly.
West Nile virus infections often go unnoticed because infected people rarely develop symptoms. Tests on blood donors reveal some of the cases.
No special characters should be used inside words in official university documents. According to the Ministry of Science, the language should be understandable. The KSS protests.
The Tharandt Forest near Dresden is home to a historical gem. Built for a Wettin, the hunting lodge was later also used for research - now it is being brought out of its slumber.
In order to obtain a doctorate, young scientists have to complete a complex doctoral procedure. Fewer men and women in Saxony do this.
It is one of many school trials nationwide: In Dresden, the city and TU are testing a unique concept with more flexibility and freedom with the university school. The results are positive.
Over the next three years, three universities from Munich and Dresden want to work on making the use of artificial intelligence even better. This also involves energy consumption.
MV and Saxony want to cooperate more closely in tourism development, with a focus on recruiting skilled workers and international tourism.
The Minister Presidents of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony emphasized the importance of the successful World Heritage applications and signed agreements on closer cooperation in tourism and research.
Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are united by the joy of new World Heritage sites. At their meeting, however, the heads of government of both states also want to look to the future.
Minister President Manuela Schwesig (SPD) meets her Saxon counterpart Michael Kretschmer (CDU) in Schwerin and Rostock to strengthen cooperation.
According to preliminary monitoring results, there are 34 wolf packs, 5 wolf pairs and 2 territorial individuals in Saxony. The wolf population is still concentrated in eastern Saxony.
Preliminary results show that 34 wolf packs, 5 wolf pairs and 2 territorial individuals live in Saxony. The focus is on eastern Saxony.
While many footballers are now taking a break after the European Championships, the robot soccer team from HTWK Leipzig is preparing for the World Cup. The kick-off is on July 17 in Eindhoven.
IAT Director Marc-Oliver Löw sees little chance of a top ten finish for the German Olympic team in Paris and criticizes the current sports funding.
DKMS has a register of potential blood stem cell donors whose tissue characteristics have been typed and two collection centers. There is often more material than is needed in a particular case - and now secured.
A new center for construction research is being built in the Lusatian mining district with 5.7 million euros in funding.
Composer and trumpeter Lars Seniuk is to become the new rector of the Dresden University of Music. He takes over the position from Axel Köhler.
Saxony's universities receive seven billion euros in basic funding for the years 2025 to 2032. Grant agreement signed.
The 2023/2024 flu season in Saxony is over, according to the State Investigation Institute (LUA). Influenza viruses are still circulating, but other viruses such as rhinoviruses and seasonal coronaviruses are currently dominating the incidence of colds, the authority announced on Friday. According t ..
The seasonal flu epidemic in Saxony is over, according to the State Research Institute, with a decline in reported respiratory illnesses.
At a gala in Berlin on Monday evening, Chemnitz psychologist Bertolt Meyer will be honored as "University Teacher of the Year". The prize of the German University Association is endowed with 10,000 euros and is intended to honor researchers who have promoted the reputation of their profession in the ..
Chemnitz psychologist Bertolt Meyer has been named "University Lecturer of the Year" at a gala in Berlin. He received the award from the German University Association and was honored for his exceptional commitment and research work.
The presenters Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim and Marie Meimberg bring together the natural sciences and humanities in order to better understand scientific findings and their effects and to give children emotional access to difficult topics.
The number of flu cases in Saxony has fallen significantly, as have RSV and coronavirus infections. Age groups are affected differently.
The consequences of climate change on land and at sea are increasingly changing the ecosystem in the Wadden Sea. New study shows unprecedented changes.
The federal and state governments want to strengthen top-level research. Many universities are hoping for so-called excellence funding. Dresden and Leipzig have now reached the final round with a total of five applications.
A German-Czech consortium is planning to develop a new type of hydrogen motorcycle that meets European approval standards. The motorcycle is to be built as a demonstration model by the end of 2025 and will support delivery services and parcel deliverers in city centers.
The relatively small BTU university in Cottbus is increasingly developing into a center for research into future topics. The institution also wants to cooperate in the planned medical training program - and brings its own unique expertise to the table.
The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) Saxony is once again awarding places to study medicine at the University of Pécs in Hungary. High school graduates have until January 31st to apply for one of the funded places on the German-language human medicine course, the KV announce ..
The year 2023 was unusually warm in Saxony with an average temperature of 10.1 degrees Celsius and above-average precipitation of 820 liters per square meter. The sun also shone for 1735 hours.
Saxony wants to make better use of its scientific potential in order to become a European beacon of science.
The "University Teacher of the Year" award, which comes with prize money of 10,000 euros, will go to Chemnitz psychologist Bertolt Meyer in 2024. On Wednesday, Lambert Koch, President of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers, explained that his research focuses on the fusion ..
Federal states that are particularly affected want to make it possible to shoot wolves more quickly at the start of the 2024 grazing season with uniform state ordinances. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Environment Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) announced corresponding talks in Münster on Friday. The ..
The Saxon State Farmers Association expects a growing number of wolf attacks on grazing animals. Chief executive Wolfgang Uhlemann justified this on Tuesday with the increased number of pups by about one fifth. "They're getting bigger now and they want to eat. Unfortunately, they don't eat heads of ..
The robo team from a university in Leipzig wants to win nothing less than the world championship title next week in Bordeaux, France, with its soccer-playing robots. But what looks like an event for absolute nerds also helps solve bigger questions.
According to figures from the State Statistical Office, significantly more foreign first-year students enrolled at Saxon universities in 2022 than in the previous year. Art colleges are particularly popular.
Away from a throwaway economy and toward a circular economy: Saxony has good prerequisites for this, according to Minister President Kretschmer. He was optimistic during a visit to the TU Freiberg.