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Wolf in eastern Saxony to be shot down following killings

In eastern Saxony, authorities have released a wolf for shooting after it killed a large number of farm animals (symbolic image). / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
In eastern Saxony, authorities have released a wolf for shooting after it killed a large number of farm animals (symbolic image). / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Wolves are a strictly protected species in Germany. Nevertheless, they may be shot in exceptional cases, for example if they behave conspicuously or repeatedly kill livestock despite being protected.

After several livestock kills, a wolf in eastern Saxony is now to be shot. After examining the documents, the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz decided to make use of the special permit, the Bautzen district office announced. As the damage to the cracks in the Bautzen area was greater, the district of Bautzen was in charge of the procedure. District Administrator Udo Witschas (CDU) signed the order to shoot the animals.

At the beginning of the year, there were 38 packs, 4 pairs and 2 single animals living in Saxony. The wolf is a strictly protected species in Germany. Nevertheless, wolves can be "lethally removed", as the law officially states. This applies to animals that behave conspicuously towards humans or that repeatedly prey on livestock despite herd protection measures, causing high economic damage.

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