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News from Saxony

Representatives of the Saxon State Parliament commemorated November 9 as a day steeped in history (archive photo). / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Parties set different accents on November 9

November 9 is a special day in German history. It stands for the pogroms against Jews in 1938 as well as for the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, so it will always be a day of remembrance.

The sooner there are new elections, the better, says Michael Kretschmer (CDU). (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Kretschmer in favor of quick federal elections

The traffic light coalition in the federal government has collapsed following a dispute between Chancellor Scholz and Finance Minister Lindner. Saxony's Minister President is calling for the way to be cleared quickly for new elections.

Saxony's BSW leader Sabine Zimmermann sees "quite a few overlaps" with the CDU (archive photo). / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

BSW rejects minority government in Saxony

There will be no coalition of CDU, BSW and SPD in Saxony for the time being, the search for alternatives is underway. Saxony's BSW leader is open to a two-party alliance with the CDU.