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Sugar as the main cause of tooth decay - tips for healthy teeth

Dresden dentist Johan Wölber recommends a healthy diet for good dental health. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Dresden dentist Johan Wölber recommends a healthy diet for good dental health. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

"Have you ever seen a monkey with a toothbrush?" asks Professor Johan Wölber from Dresden. He is devoting himself to a new discipline - nutritional dentistry. A monkey hardly knows tooth decay.

Vegetables instead of chocolate and green tea instead of cola: according to Dresden dentist Johan Wölber, diet also has a significant influence on dental health. This is because excessive sugar consumption first and foremost damages the teeth. In Germany alone, 98 percent of people suffer from tooth decay and 50 percent of adults suffer from periodontitis. "And that's despite the fact that 95 percent of people brush their teeth regularly," said Wölber, Professor of Periodontology at Dresden University Hospital, and advised people to "wean themselves off sugar". He recommended blueberries, vegetables, fruit and green tea as superfoods for healthy teeth.

Sugar as the main cause of tooth decay

According to Wölber, it has been known for over 100 years that sugar causes tooth decay. Although the tooth is the hardest structure in the body, the only Achilles heel for the tooth is acid. This is because it can be used to dissolve minerals. Bacteria use sugar to produce acids. The World Health Organization recommends that a person should not consume more than 25 grams of sugar per day, but in Germany the average daily intake is actually around 100 grams. Inflammation of the gums is also linked to sugar consumption. Due to their species-appropriate diet, wild animals are much less likely to have dental health problems.

"Ultimately, it's about a diet as it was originally, evolutionarily intended for us - no industrially processed foods, seasonal fruit and vegetables, no sugar from sugar cane or sugar beet, but only that which occurs naturally in fruit and vegetables, whole grain products, hardly any meat, a plant-based wholefood diet," explained the periodontist. The aim is not to make the toothbrush disappear from the bathroom with a wholefood diet, but to promote health and prevent disease through an adapted diet.

Studies show the benefits of sugar reduction

Wölber refers to numerous studies. Test subjects who gave up sugar for four weeks showed a lower risk of tooth decay and gum inflammation. The expert advocates moderation when it comes to luxury foods. If you live healthily from Monday to Saturday, you can afford a piece of cake on Sunday. Ultimately, it is up to you to influence your health - not just that of your teeth and gums - negatively through poor nutrition. Wölber is the founding president of the recently established German, Austrian and Swiss Society for Nutritional Medicine.

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