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Authority: Flu season in Saxony comes to an end

Medication and a pot and cup of tea to fight a cold are on a bedside table / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa/Symbolic image
Medication and a pot and cup of tea to fight a cold are on a bedside table / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa/Symbolic image

The 2023/2024 flu season in Saxony is over, according to the State Investigation Institute (LUA). Influenza viruses are still circulating, but other viruses such as rhinoviruses and seasonal coronaviruses are currently dominating the incidence of colds, the authority announced on Friday. According to the report, the number of influenza cases in the last week of April rose slightly compared to the previous week, with 123 cases reported. The number of RSV-related illnesses (respiratory syncytial virus) continued to decline and the Covid-19 reporting figures remained at a consistently low level.

According to the LUA, influenza illnesses occur in all age groups, but fewer cases are registered in under-one-year-olds, adolescents and young adults, it said. RSV infections mainly affect infants and young children and coronavirus infections particularly affect older people.

Since the start of the current season in October 2023, 377 deaths have been registered in connection with a Sars-CoV-2 infection, according to the overall statistics. These were people between the ages of 39 and 99. The overall statistics show 116 influenza deaths between the ages of 11 and 96 as well as twelve women and nine men between the ages of 43 and 99 who died from an RSV infection. By last week, a total of 25,858 coronavirus cases had been reported, with influenza confirmed in 21,579 cases and RSV 7,149 times.

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