Transport association increases ticket prices for bus and train
The prices for tickets in the Central Saxony Transport Association will rise significantly from April 1. This is the reason.
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The prices for tickets in the Central Saxony Transport Association will rise significantly from April 1. This is the reason.
After restrictions since the weekend, train traffic via Halle is running normally again. The reason for the closures was work at the Halle rail junction.
Transport companies are struggling with rising costs. Passengers are now feeling the effects. The good news: the ZVON service is being expanded on two lines.
If you want to travel by train via Halle from Saturday, you will need patience: due to construction work at the main station, there will be restrictions on both local and long-distance services. Who is affected.
Deutsche Bahn wants to create alternatives to level crossings in order to reduce the risk of accidents, for example. Crossings without so-called technical protection also play a role here.
The full closure of Prager Straße from April is causing discussion. Citizens' initiatives and the city administration are in conflict over the construction plans.
Several railroad lines in Saxony are to be electrified. For Left Party politician Caren Lay, progress is too slow. In any case, the Free State is not doing well compared to the rest of Germany.
The era of nostalgic dining cars between Hamburg and Prague is coming to an end. The tablecloths are going - but the dumplings are staying.
The annual rail timetable change is coming up on Sunday. Passengers in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia will benefit from new connections and even modernized trains.
The annual rail timetable change is coming up in December. Passengers in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia will benefit from new connections and even modernized trains.
The Ministry of Europe in Saxony has once again raffled off 700 tickets for a train journey through Europe to young people. A record turnout was recorded.
The break-up of the Ampel coalition could jeopardize the continuation of initiated projects. The future of the Deutschlandticket is also still uncertain.
Around ten years ago, the train station in Bautzen was on the brink of decay. It was saved by a decision of the district council. Today, the Pro-Rail Alliance sees it as a showcase station.
From the end of 2026, rail travel in western Saxony is set to change significantly. New trains, routes and timetables are planned. Millions are to be invested in this.
In December, the railroads traditionally change their timetable. This changes in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.
The train manufacturer Alstom's plant in eastern Saxony will close in around a year and a half. However, other locations are also affected by the French company's plans.
Getting to know the whole of Europe by train without having to spend any money. For some young adults in Bavaria, this will soon be possible.
Since Friday morning, Deutsche Bahn has been struggling with a signal box problem on a section of the Nuremberg-Bamberg ICE line. Passengers on long-distance services are feeling the consequences.
Malfunction in the signal box and at signals: Nothing has been working on a section of the Nuremberg-Bamberg line since the early hours of the morning - with consequences for long-distance train passengers.
French rail vehicle manufacturer Alstom secures future in Bautzen with major orders. New production line for regional trains inaugurated.
Rail travelers between Leipzig and Chemnitz must expect restrictions from August 5 due to construction work. Trains on the RE 6 line will run according to the regular timetable until October 13.
Following storm damage and repairs to overhead lines, long-distance services between Berlin and Dresden are no longer affected.
The train drivers' union is once again striking at the Chemnitz City Railway over the introduction of the 35-hour week.
Saxony is providing additional money for municipal transport associations to counteract cost increases in local public transport.
Saxony secures additional funding for municipal transport associations and aims to improve planning and funding security in local public transport.
City-Bahn Chemnitz will run buses on important routes over Whitsun until next Tuesday. Due to the ongoing strikes by the German Train Drivers' Union (GDL), regular rail services are currently out of the question, the company announced on Friday. The union had recently repeatedly called for strikes. ..
No all-clear after the latest wave of strikes: Management expects next strike call by train drivers' union, which wants to fight for a 35-hour week.
After the latest train drivers' strike, there is no all-clear for passengers on the Chemnitz City-Bahn. The management is expecting further cancellations.
The dispute between the train drivers' union GDL and City-Bahn Chemnitz has reached a new level of escalation - to the dismay of schoolchildren and commuters. The railroad company's lines have been on strike again since Wednesday afternoon. For the time being, the union has remained silent about how ..
Personal advice when booking a rail journey, even when the travel center is closed? Video services make it possible. But the south-east has some catching up to do.
The trial of strength between the train drivers' union GDL and Chemnitz City-Bahn continues. At short notice, the GDL has announced that it will be striking the lines from noon on Tuesday until 6 a.m. on Wednesday morning, the railroad company announced. As a result, commuters and schoolchildren wil ..
Rail travelers between Berlin and Munich and Berlin and Frankfurt can expect disruptions from this Thursday. Digital control technology is being installed.
Train travelers between Berlin and Munich and Berlin and Frankfurt can expect disruptions from this Thursday. Digital control technology is to be installed on the Berlin - Halle/Leipzig section. Deutsche Bahn announced on Wednesday that there will be individual train and stop cancellations as well a ..
The passenger association Pro Bahn is calling for the introduction of a student Germany ticket in Saxony as an upgrade option to the education ticket in order to offer students a cost-effective way to travel throughout Germany.
Disruptions for rail travelers between Leipzig and Chemnitz due to replacement of concrete sleepers. Precautionary measure following the train accident in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in 2022.
Fridays for Future is also protesting with Verdi during the announced warning strikes in local transport under the name "Wir fahren zusammen". Why the climate movement is joining workers' protests.
The Länderbahn announces restrictions on Trilex services in eastern Saxony due to vegetation work.
The S-Bahn in Central Germany is one of the most punctual in Germany, according to an evaluation, but has lost some of its reliability in recent years. In 2023, 95.6 percent of stops were reached on time, according to an answer from the Federal Ministry of Transport to a question from Green Party MP ..
A digital test field for rail travel of the future has been opened in the Ore Mountains. New applications and the new rail radio FRMCS are being tested there.
Rail services in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia are running largely according to normal timetables again following the early end of the train drivers' strike. Minor restrictions may still occur in isolated cases. Travelers should inform themselves online before starting their journey.
According to the Saxon Trade Association, the retail stores in the stations have been significantly affected.
Saxony's Transport Minister Martin Dulig has welcomed the commitment to the Deutschlandticket. This is an important signal of reliability for users, the SPD politician announced on Tuesday.
The train drivers' union GDL is ending the ongoing strike at Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn this Friday ahead of schedule at 12.00 noon. Negotiations with the parent company Transdev are to be resumed, the company and the German Train Drivers' Union (GDL) announced on Friday morning. The strike at Deutsch ..
On the third day of the nationwide strike by the train drivers' union GDL, Deutsche Bahn is preparing for the end of the strike in the evening. According to a railroad spokeswoman in Leipzig, more trains will be running on regional routes by then. Traffic should be running normally again on Saturday ..
On the second day of the nationwide train drivers' strike, the emergency timetable of the railroad has started again. A railroad spokeswoman in Leipzig said on Thursday that travelers had obviously adjusted well to the situation. There were no overcrowded trains or long queues at the railroad inform ..
The warning strike announced by the train drivers' union GDL will also affect passengers on some regional trains in Saxony.
In December, Deutsche Bahn traditionally changes its timetable. New connections and more trains are added for Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. The region is to be better connected to the major cities in the north and south.
Saxony-Anhalt's Minister President Reiner Haseloff is calling for better infrastructure links between the new federal states and Berlin and Eastern Europe. He emphasizes the need for more direct international connections from Berlin and improved train connections between Dresden, Magdeburg and Berlin. He also focuses on the demographic challenges facing the East and calls for more freedom in the allocation of university places in order to combat the shortage of doctors.
Onset of winter causes delays and cancellations on the Vogtland network.
The private railroad company Odeg is also expecting disruptions and cancellations on its lines due to the warning strike by the train drivers' union GDL. As Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn uses the infrastructure of Deutsche Bahn, restrictions are possible, Odeg announced in Berlin on Wednesday. However, Odeg ..
The Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn (MRB) has acknowledged considerable problems on the Leipzig-Chemnitz line and promised to alleviate them. The current situation is "by no means satisfactory and we expressly apologize to our passengers," the company explained on Tuesday in response to a dpa inquiry. The ..
The government factions in Berlin want to speed up the construction of infrastructure projects. In addition to highway projects, rail lines are also to be expanded.
Germany and the Czech Republic have confirmed their intention to expand and modernize rail links between the two countries.
S-Bahn services in the Leipzig region are being thinned out due to staff shortages. Several lines are affected.
The traffic turnaround is no good as an ideological dispute. Car traffic in large cities and metropolitan areas is often on the verge of collapse and pollutes the environment. Suburban connections by public transport and commuter trains often do not work well. Doubling spending on public transit and long-distance commuter rail is needed. There is also a need to shift freight traffic back from highways to rail and waterways. The goal should be large-scale container loading onto rail and waterways. Freight forwarding should only take place over the last mile.
Also in the area of the Central German Transport Association (MDV), the Deutschlandticket is in good demand. According to its information on Tuesday, more than 90,000 people have been using it since the beginning of May, and according to initial estimates, the number of contract-based users - subscr ..